Keeping Our Clients & Team Healthy

At FACIALOLOGY the health, safety, and welfare of our Estheticians and Clients ALWAYS comes first.  With the current news surrounding Coronavirus/COVID-19, we wanted to take this opportunity to share our rigorous everyday hygiene standards and inform you of additional precautions we have put in place to keep you safe.

Sanitation & Hygiene

It’s business as usual at Facialology when it comes to hygiene; we uphold high standards at all times with or without a virus threat. Facialology estheticians will continue to double cleanse their hands before and after each facial treatment. Tools are cleaned and UV sanitized, and chairs and workstations thoroughly wiped down with antimicrobial cleaner after every appointment.

In this current climate, we have increased cleaning protocols in-studio to ensure doorknobs, surfaces, and technology are getting extra coverage. In addition, couch rolls are provided for all chairs and disposed of after every service.

Our Clients

For anyone that has recently visited a high-risk area (i.e. New York, China, South Korea, Northern Italy, Japan, Singapore, or Iran) and is experiencing symptoms, we strongly encourage you to reschedule your appointment to at least 30 days after your return. We appreciate your help in keeping fellow clients and our team safe and healthy.

Our Estheticians

Our estheticians will be taking all relevant precautions to ensure they stay healthy, however, if an esthetician does become ill, we will need to allow for them to recover fully before returning to work. Due to this, some appointments may be rescheduled last minute. We will work quickly to reschedule your services ASAP! Your support and understanding is appreciated.

We’ll continue to monitor the status of Coronavirus/COVID-19 including guidance provided by the CDC and adapt our protocols as necessary. Our commitment to sanitation has and always will be a key priority for us to ensure continued good health for our community of clients and team members.

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Need more info? DM us on Instagram (@Facialology) or email the team at

Santa Clarita Facial